Saturday, October 29, 2011

my Convocation

selesai sudah akhrnye majlis konvokesyen diploma saya,,,
penatyer,,,,mmg pnat...pnat mnggu giliran,,tp,alhmdulillah,,,
no giliran sy 137 je,,, ;)
yg lmeyer,,psembahan tu,,smpi 3 lgu dorg nyanyi,,
cian parent duk mnggu...wlupn cmtu,,sgtt happy
sbb both my parent dtg,,,wlupn xdpt dtg sume,,tp,mk n abh dtg pn sgt bermakne,,,
nk nngis je mse trun pntas n abh tpuk bahu..sebak woo tme tu,,
rse tbe2 cm semangat je,,,
klah,,,nk tdo lah,pnat bru smpi rumah ni,,,
nway,,this is the picture...
luv both of u mum n dad...n i promise,,i will make
both of u proud on me,, ;)